Thursday, January 5, 2012

Week 1--Chicken Ranch Rolls

I've realized lately, that any recipe worth trying has a packet of ranch dressing powder in it.  This only fuels my LOVE for all things ranch.  I got the recipe I tried out this week from Pinterest, which is quickly surpassing Facebook as the most addicting place on the internet. 

This week I made Chicken Ranch Rolls.  For this you need...

1 8oz block of cream cheese
3 chicken breasts
1 packet of ranch dressing
2-3 cups of Cheese (I used Monterey Jack/Colby Jack blend)
Dash of salt and pepper
2 cans of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls

I started out by boiling three chicken breasts.  I just threw them in a pot and let them go for awhile.  While the chicken was cooking, I threw the cream cheese (soften it) the ranch dressing, cheese, and a dash of salt and pepper together and mixed it up real nice.  When my chicken was done, I shredded it (I hate doing this) and mixed it with the other ingredients.

Once your mixture is ready to roll, separate and roll out your crescent rolls.  Or, if you're me, have you roommate extract the rolls from the can because you such at opening those...  Spoon a bit of the chicken cheese mixture into each triangle and roll up into a little bun.  Mine made about 12 roll-ups, which was so much more than I actually needed haha. 

Brush some butter over the rolls and pop them in the oven at 350 for about 20-25 minutes.  They're delicious! 

I've been eating them all week since there are so many of them.  Maybe next time I try out a new recipe, I should invite some buddies over. :) 


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