Saturday, January 14, 2012

Week 2--Mexican Pizza

My goal in doing this blog was to take some time for myself to do what I love--cook.  I realized this past weekend that this is also something to share with friends.  Last Sunday evening, my dear friend Rita came over to have dinner and watch my new favorite show "Once upon a Time" with me.  (I'm a sucker for fairy tales)  I took care of the main dish, and she brought some yummy desserts, which I will be trying very soon. 

I made some Mexican Pizza.  It is no secret to anyone who knows me that I LOVE MEXICAN FOOD.  Back in the day when I thought Taco Bell was a great idea, I used to always get the mexican pizza.  I no longer thing that taco bell is a great idea since the fact that you can buy dinner for 4 bucks just scares the bejesus out of me.

Here's my take on a Mexican Pizza.

You will need:

1 Can of Crescent Rolls
1 can of refried beans
a package of ground meat
Taco Seasoning
Tomatoes or Pico de Gallo
Shredded Cheese
Taco Sauce
Green Onions
1 White onion

I started by unrolling my crescent rolls into a little rectangle on my favorite air bake pan and, following the directions on the can, baked them.  While that was cooking, I heated up the refried beans in the microwave.  I also browned the ground meat with an onion in a skillet, adding taco seasoning as per the directions on the packet. 

Once the Rolls were baked, I spread the refried beans on the crescent rolls, and layered my ground meat mixture on top of that.  I put tomatoes, cheese, and green onions next and put back in the oven for a few minutes to melt the cheese.  I topped everything off with taco sauce--my favorite.  :) 

So there ya go!  Week 2...DONE!  Maybe if the Saints win their football game today, I'll cook something cajun next week!

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