Saturday, January 14, 2012


I have a self-proclaimed black thumb.  Not a green thumb, a black one.  At any given time there is some kind of dead plant taking up space in my yard.  I am very ambitious about gardening outside, but it never seems to work out well for me.  That may be better if I remember to water things...

Anyway, I'm addicted to Pinterest, and saw this on there the other day.  Take the white stems of green onions and put them in water.  They grow immediately!  I didn't really believe it, but had to try it.  I always want to use green onions in my cooking, especially when I make egg drop soup, but don't ever need the entire package.  I gave it a shot and IT WORKED!  After a week, the onions had grown at least 3 inches.  I added some more today, but here's a picture of my original onions! 

Till next week! :)

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