Sunday, January 22, 2012

Week 3--Creme Brulee!

All of my friends know of my undying love for all types of Creme Brulee.  This past summer, while on a cruise with my friends, I may or may not have ordered two of the coconut creme brulee desserts they had for dinner one night.  And they were DELICIOUS.  God bless these friends of mine, they got together and got me all the supplies one needs to make this amazing dessert for Christmas...Cute little red Ramekins and a culinary BLOW TORCH! 

I wasn't too keen on having to warm up the whipping cream on the stove, and luckily, I found a microwave version that seemed to work just fine! 

You will need: 
4 Tablespoons of Sugar
1 Pint of Heavy Whipping Cream
4 egg yolks
1 teaspoon of the flavored extract of your choice

 I started by whisking together four tablespoons of sugar, and a pint of heaving whipping cream.  Put this in the microwave for about 2 minutes while you separate and whisk your eggs. 

After taking the mixture from the microwave, whisk in the egg yolks, a dash of salt, and a teaspoon of any flavored extract.  Most recipes I found called for vanilla, but to my surprise, we had run out!  I decided to use almond and it was definitely a good choice!  Once all of this is mixed, I poured it out into my cute little Ramekins. :)  They then need to go into the oven at 350 degrees for 40 minutes in a water bath.  I filled the pan up about halfway with really hot water from my tap. 

Once these bad boys come out of the oven, we they will be a little jiggly, and that's ok!  Put them in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours to set and cool.  They comes the fun part...using the blow torch! 

Put a thin layer of sugar on top of each and TORCH IT!  :)  I think I need to perfect my torching skills, but I think I did a darn good job for my first try!   After torching, I popped them back in the fridge for 10 minutes, and they were ready to eat!  My roommate and I enjoyed having these as dessert so much, I made another batch later in the week after we had devoured these.  I used peppermint extract, and that was pretty yummy too! 

Till next week!  :)

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