Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week 5--Fresh Veggie Salsa

I am NOT a vegetable eater by any stretch of the imagination.  Most of my friends and family tease me and say that I hate all vegetables.  Well, that's not totally true.  I do like some, especially the ones that go into this salsa.  I go through these phases where all I want to eat is this stuff.  I literally bring it to work to eat for lunch, and then come home and have it for a snack.  I have to hold myself back from having it for dinner too.

It's SUPER easy and I got it from my friend Beth.  I think I may have changed a few things or left a few things out.  I don't remember since I've been making it for a long time.

Veggie Salsa
You need...

Half an onion.  Red or White, I've done both
1 tomato
1 bell pepper
1 can of corn
1 can of black beans
some cilantro (I put a ton of this...I LOVE Cilantro)
some Italian Dressing (a squirt from the bottle or two)
a dash of cayenne pepper to spice it up

Mix it all together, and you've got salsa!  I usually eat it with Scoops.  You can catch more salsa that way. :)

I love how colorful it is!  :)

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